Monday, June 29, 2015

Commando Spawn

Here I am, again, after a hiatus due to college life. I'm back with a set of pictures of Commando Spawn. Apparently this is the sexiest figure I've taken so far. Don't worry, there's enough room for fan-service.

Probably a slug that might vaporize your blood veins or at least send you flying :D 

Sexy beast. I have this 'doki doki' feel editing this shot ehehe. 

"I will find you and I will kill you." 

I tried one creative-enough (for me) shot which took me several attempts. 

There's supposed to the captions on the picture but never mind about that.

That's it for the newest album on Commando Spawn. I hope I get enough free time for another wave of photoshoot with my collections. For the first timers visiting this, thank you! And for those who have been returning to this blog, another thank you for staying loyal! Hope to entertain you with more pictures in coming days.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Elmeth as a Shark?!!!!!

This probably sounds a bit new but I found myself staring at my toy shark and thought, this concept might work as custom for Gunpla so I went upstairs to my room and searched for a perfect candidate for that mod.

Eyes saw Elmeth! Hands grabbed Elmeth! And brain started to work on designs! But don't get overexcited because the progress made were all measurements and blueprints since I don't possess any pla plates to begin my first ever scratch-build mod.

Here's what I have had so far. Since I couldn't fit all seven A4 sheets into one screen, let's just take a glimpse of the first page.

These are straight from my instagram, 21st_Century_Rebellion, so they are a bit blurry >:D
Hope everything goes according to plan once I get my hands on pla plates.