Saturday, July 20, 2013

Remake of the old GP02

GP02 has been sitting down there with a lot of seam lines, nub marks and horrible lining.
Noob build I guess during 2011, it was finished in February at that time. 
Then on September 2012, I decided that I should remake the whole thing. 

Now for some (only two pictures ehehe) old pictures before the process of remaking the whole kit. 

For the ''Materials Needed'' part,
 I took a filer, any filer will do. Electronic ones, the traditional ones or even sandpaper. 

And my toothbrush + this fancy so-called platinum-like silver marker (oil-based). A pain in the neck in removing the stains if mistakes were to occur.

And some chainsaws and to kill my neighbour.
And some penknife for some scribbling and scratching of the parts.
A SCRIBBLER is very very much APPRECIATED.

For the first time, I hid in my room and danced with barbie dolls.
Then I took the shoulder verniers of GP02.
And here's what I did last time,
1- I painted the verniers with silver using the marker.
2- I roughen the surface with the filers and scratched it with the penknife.
3- I turned on the fan because it's damn hot.

Verniers are pretty much silver to me, so the toothbrush was not used at that stage. WAS.

Then I did the same thing to the other part of the verniers.
The silver paint was applied onto the toothbrush just like how I apply Colgate.
Then what?



And those inner-frame sexy legs get's some treatment too.

And eventually, I finished everything.

It's done! Finished! Cheers to le first time ehehe. 


  1. Its really nice to see the shiny surface LAM :). I wish that I can paint like you

  2. It's never too late to learn, I too learn from other professional modelers.
    Life's a journey of learning, in Gunpla...need to double that XD
