Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Borneo Plamo Cup Challenge 2013

An event which kills two GMs with one heat hawk. With regards of spreading and promoting the hobby to the younger generation as well as gathering scale modelers specialized in building Gundam kits to show their talents, this event was held. Due to its first year, it is focused on Sabah, Sarawak and also Brunei.
For all those who are from these three participating areas, please do give a hand and support this event.

Don't worry about the lack of experience. Don't worry if your kit does not turn out well. Because this event is mainly done to give a slight piece of exposure in the world of scale modelling as well as to improve each and everyone's skills in making them. 

Terms and conditions are stated in the posters. 

HGUC RB-79 Ball

And I thought there was only one ball inside the box ~.~
There was two of it so, I decided to keep one without any modifications YET, and another one heavily weathered. 

I had everything brushed with the same technique; file/sand -> apple water-base marker -> brush with toothbrush

HGUC RX-0 Unicorn Gundam - Destroy Mode.

One of the easiest kits in the HGUC category. It dates back to those times when I had to use scissors to cut the runners instead of a real plier spefically made for model kits. Two years ago when I was building this kit, I never had filers too. Clueless of the sandpaper grades, I managed to sand them thanks to my instinct.

Here's what I've got, sprayed with a semi-gloss topcoat too. 

If you have noticed something, I have actually brushed the beam rifle with a silver-like finish using a toothbrush; it's always even. 

A bad-ass pose and I'm done; satisfied! 

GP02 - Another Day Of Taking Its Picture.

I just can't get enough of GP02; every glance of it's bulkiness tempts me so hard, I can't help but to take pictures of it.


Here I am, back from a very very long hiatus O_O Really wouldn't categorize it as somewhat of a hiatus, it's been 3 weeks since the last time I have actually take the time to update this blog.
Stories aside, I present to you, Zaku I Sniper Type.

Some random sniping stances ehehe. 


Guess the next pose. Out of sheer boredom, I give you a random pose of this Zaku.

Just like in Monster Hunter, a little filing to sharpen the weapons. To put it in another scenario, Zaku building its own weapon.

That's all for this model. The W.I.P part was corrupted; retrieving and recovering those pictures were impossible :/ 

Friday, August 2, 2013


Zeon has always been my favourite party. Regardless of the era, the evil schemes have always been the highlight of the entire show. Without it, the series would be dead by now. 
Not to elaborate much, this is Zaku Sniper I. 

I just love the booklet.

It should be fine for a HG model with that number of runners.

Would you look at that. All about circles. 

Yes, I held the PC/PE upside down. Just bear with it or tilt your heads a bit.

That puts and end towards the introduction of the bits and pieces inside the box. Let's proceed with the torso, a big part with not much of a work to do. But that doesn't mean lacking off is an option. A modeling cement (Tamiya's should do the trick; if you have any other clear cements, that should do the trick too.) is needed. You'll see the use of it once you bought this model. 

See those rough surfaces? Sanding them are very much appreciated.

The torso is done. Now, moving on to the backpack.

To be continued in part 2 of this post.